Team Building

Create memorable team building events for everyone.

Host async challenges, in-person socials, virtual contests, offsites, hybrid socials, and more.

Set up events and programs in a few easy steps

Create async challenges, in-person socials, virtual contests, offsites, onsites, hybrid socials, and more with our simple web app.

Streamline communications to increase registrations

Promote your events and send automated announcements through Slack, calendar, email, and newsletters using Epoch.

Measure impact on engagement with data and analytics

Track engagement, attendance, and feedback all in one place. Get reports and templated presentations to share with the company.

“With Epoch, we can track what kind of elements in events provide a sense of connection and co-creation, so we can iterate and add more of those elements.”

Anya Dvornikova

Learning Technology and Knowledge Systems Lead at Miro


Resources for team building events

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