[Webinar] How to Develop as a Leader During Times of Change

[Webinar] How to Develop as a Leader During Times of Change

We are back with our Webinar Series – Experts on Employee Experience! 🎉 It is a monthly webinar series where Jade Choy, Epoch's CEO, has conversations with leaders and innovators in the Employee Experience and engagement space.

In case you missed it, here are some key learnings and takeaways from our webinar featuring Christine Tao, Co-Founder and CEO of sounding board. View the full recording here. Scroll on for notes! 👇

Trends in coaching for people teams

One of the first topics discussed was the current trends in whether many people teams have been receiving or prioritizing coaching. Christine highlighted that people teams are increasingly interested in and have developed coaching skills similar to those offered by Sounding Board. These coaching skills can be invaluable for people leaders in successfully navigating the always changing landscape of the workplace.

Adapting leadership capabilities 

The leadership capabilities required to be a good leader have not dramatically changed. Clear communication, the ability to lead high-performing teams, and the skill to prioritize and create clarity for a team are still fundamental. What has changed is the level of skill and adaptability in applying these capabilities to different situations.

For example, the transition to remote work has disrupted traditional leadership dynamics. In-person cues and signals that once informed leadership decisions are now absent. Leaders need to be able to adapt to these new circumstances and find alternative ways to gauge the mood of the office and ensure effective communication.

Managing up and engaging employees

Effective leadership often involves acting as a bridge between employees and leadership expectations. It's important for people and employee teams not to just do things to employees but, rather, partner with managers to create a positive impact. This partnership entails understanding the context behind decisions and ensuring that employees feel heard and valued.

To achieve this, educating managers and involving them in the decision-making process becomes essential. This approach fosters engagement along the way, creating a more collaborative and supportive work environment.

Receiving and handling feedback

When employees provide feedback, it's important not to react impulsively. Instead, take time to digest the feedback and prioritize areas for improvement. Recognize that you cannot address every piece of feedback immediately, but aim to create a structured approach to addressing feedback over time.

Fostering a growth mindset and staying innovative

In today's rapidly changing work environment, cultivating a growth mindset and staying innovative are crucial. Job roles and priorities continually shift, and managers need to equip themselves to lead through uncertainty. They can do this by developing decision-making frameworks that stay reliable during times of change and embracing new perspectives that foster adaptability.

Effective communication and engagement

Leaders also need to be intentional in their communication, ensuring clarity, repetition, and consistency in their messaging. Christine mentions that she often has to be

 "sick of saying something" before it sticks with people. Providing context and opportunities for employees to share their thoughts and feelings are also crucial. Balancing the need to listen to employee engagement while keeping in mind that you may not be able to address every single concern is key.

Emerging trends in leadership development 

As companies realize that employee engagement is the responsibility of the entire organization, not just a specific function, they are investing more in the development of people leaders and managers. The goal is to create alignment between management and the functions operating with employees. This alignment fosters collaboration, ensuring that leaders at all levels have the skills to engage employees effectively.

Moving away from static, standardized experiences, organizations are exploring personalized leadership development that equips leaders with the skills they need to address specific challenges. This can be done asynchronously and through various forms of communication, particularly important when employees could be experiencing burnout.

Leaders need to adapt their skills and approaches to effectively guide their teams through times of uncertainty and transformation. By focusing on coaching, communication, feedback, and fostering a growth mindset, organizations can continue to thrive in the face of change. 

Connect with us!

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More resources from Christine: 

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