Quality over Quantity | Event Marketing & Engagement 😃

Quality over Quantity | Event Marketing & Engagement 😃

In our modern world of technology and information, it comes as no surprise that there can be an abundance of clutter and information. While it may seem useful to provide as many details as possible, the reality is that doing so makes for largely unengaging and overwhelming content; less is more.

What is the Scope? ⌖🎯

This phenomenon reaches deep into the media we produce and consume, but is most prominent in:

  • Social media posts
  • Email notifications
  • Events

Here we will detail how you can cut down on clutter in each of the mentioned mediums to better engage your audience and specifically improve event turnout!

Social Media📱

Social media is a great tool to market the external events your company offers to the public and to showcase photos from internal company events. Since social media is widely used by virtually everyone worldwide, here are some tips on how to make sure your posts don't get overlooked:

  • Post regularly and with intention: frequent, aggressive posting may turn your audience away
  • Keep your captions short: your followers don’t have the attention span to read an essay
  • Choose high impact images/visuals: the attention of your audience is valuable and should not be thrown away
  • Always choose simplicity over complex: your content should be easily digestible

Email Notifications 📧

Email is a great channel to send out event marketing and communications to all employees for your internal company events. Since everyone's inbox is constantly flooded with new emails, here is how to be strategic in delivering the necessary information to your employees effectively:

  • Choose a short and catchy subject line to get the attention of your audience
  • Keep email notifications to a minimum: only send what’s necessary
  • Be concise and to the point: having too many words in an email means the reader will likely only skim through the content
  • Eliminate any jargon or unnecessary words to reduce clutter
  • Use subheadings to guide your reader through 

Events 🎉

Social media, emails and other internal communication channels are all methods commonly used to promote internal and external events. In event planning, it is important to apply the same principles of quality over quantity.

  • Avoid excessively running events; higher quantity can lead to lower quality, decreased event planner motivation and makes events feel like a chore
  • Too many events will result in “event cannibalization”, where events start competing with each other for attendees; this mostly applies to same day events
  • Keep the event description concise and to the point for easy information extraction
  • Choose event images and graphics that are attention grabbing, but not too flashy; this will help attract and engage potential attendees

No matter the medium, there is value in clear and concise communication. Avoiding jargon, cutting unnecessary words and being direct with your message will better engage as well as retain your audience.

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