Epoch Webinars: Epoch Live - Streamlining Internal Events Using Epoch

Epoch Webinars: Epoch Live - Streamlining Internal Events Using Epoch

We are back with our Webinar Series – Epoch Live! 🎉 It is a monthly webinar series where Jade Choy, Epoch's CEO, and Keith Choy, Epoch’s COO guide you through the latest trends in the Employee Experience space and demonstrate how you can harness Epoch’s full potential.

In case you missed it, here are some key learnings and takeaways from this week’s  Epoch Live. View the full recording here. Scroll on for notes! 👇

Data and reporting in the Employee Experience space

In the Employee Experience space, it can be a challenge to track meaningful data on employee events and programming. Common challenges include:

  • Lacking the proper tools to collect data
  • Certain metrics can’t be tracked
  • Low feedback engagement (survey fatigue)
  • And even if you are able to track the right data, it can be a very manual process to make sense of it

However, Epoch serves as a one-stop-shop for all data reporting needs with real-time insights. By removing the manual process of data reporting, you can focus on trends and opportunities to shape your engagement strategies. 

Sample data reports

Every part of your organization can make better decisions based on accurate, up-to-date metrics. Segment reports include company-wide, location-specific, and group-based events. Understand the volume of events, participation based on types of events, different teams’ engagements, and more. 

Sample engagement reports

With Epoch, super users can generate regular reports (e.g. weekly, bi-weekly, and however often needed) that help them understand engagement levels for recent events. Some data sets and trends include: 

  1. What is participation overall?
  2. Which teams are most and least involved
  3. What are tech vs. non-tech folk interests?
  4. What type of events are seeing the most engagement? What's the feedback?
  5. What are the volume of events (location, timezone, groups, event types)?

Building a story behind data can be challenging, these are some ways to present data to be more actionable for teams across your company, and Epoch’s Customer Success team will be there to help craft a story with your events data.

Low-budget event ideas 

When facing a low or no budget for employee events, there are still numerous ways to create an engaging and meaningful experience for your teams. Here are some strategies to consider: 

  1. Use existing facilities and spaces (onsites!)
  2. Encourage employees to lead activities and workshops based on their skills and hobbies
  3. Plan informal lunch and learn sessions for knowledge sharing
  4. Host volunteer or community service activities to foster teamwork and purpose
  5. Help create employee-led clubs of interest groups (ERGs!) and equip them with resources
  6. Arrange informal networking events to facilitate connections among employees 

Putting it all together on Epoch

With Epoch, employees spend less time dealing with a web of software tools, manual processes, and endless back-and-forth communication. Set up events and programs in a few easy steps, streamline all your communications and scheduling, and measure impact with reporting and analytics. 

Increase productivity and connection among employees through company culture with Epoch. Use Epoch to plan and organize all your onboarding needs! Curious to learn more? Book a demo today!

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