10 Questions to Ask After an Event 🔍

10 Questions to Ask After an Event 🔍

With all the planning and hard work that go behind-the-scenes into employee event planning, make sure you’re asking the right questions afterwards to collect the participants’ insights and opinions on the event! Asking your employees for feedback will allow you to improve the best (and worst) elements of your event in order to host better future events for your workplace.

We’ve compiled a list of some of the most valuable questions that are asked to event participants on our platform. Since 10 questions on a feedback survey may be overkill, feel free to pick and choose from our suggestions in order to tailor feedback that will best help you understand your employees!

10 Questions to Ask Your Employees After an Event 💡

1. What elements of the event encouraged you to come out and participate?

  • This question allows you to understand what motivated your employees to attend the event, and what might motivate them in the future. Was it free food? (Probably. Who would refuse free food?) 🍕  

2. Did you get a chance to meet new people or deepen existing connections?

  • This quantitative question can gauge whether your employees had the opportunity to meet new faces at work and form new bonds with their coworkers. 👥

3. Which components of the event allowed you to best connect with others?

  • Asking this question will help you identify which components of the event gave the best opportunities for employees to connect with each other. Maybe it was the assigned seating arrangement, or the small size of the group? 💙

4. What did you enjoy the most at the event?

  • Similar to the first question, answers to this one will help you understand what elements of the event will draw in more attendees for future activities! Maybe it wasn’t just the free food, but also the good music. 🎶  

5. How can we make the event more engaging next time?

  • Employees can provide constructive feedback on what might work better for future events, such as quieter music or providing name tags. 🏷

6. Was the event inclusive? How can we make the event more inclusive?

  • All employees should feel included at your events! Did you accommodate all dietary restrictions? Was the venue accessible? 🦽

7. What components of the event would you like to see improved for next time?

  • This question will help you identify areas of improvement. Maybe the event could be held on a better day of the week, or you could use a different caterer next time. 📆

8. Did this event contribute positively to our office culture? Why/why not?

  • Not only does this question get feedback on the event itself, but you can also get valuable insight on how your employees view the company culture. 🌍

9. Would you come to the office again for a similar event?

  • This question is especially useful for companies focusing on the return-to-work, and will help you gauge what kinds of activities will help bring your employees back to the office. 💼

10. What kinds of events would you like to see in the future?

  • Get first-hand suggestions from your employees on what events they’d want to participate in! 🎉

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